Introducing Ronan Luka Stone

Introducing Ronan Luka Stone

On August 10, we welcomed the newest member of the Philadelphia branch of the Stone family, Ronan Luka, 10 pounds and 6 ounces. He was a very big boy!

Mom, Dad, and Big Sister Eva are all doing well, though this period has been stressful on everyone. Mom had a difficult and exhausting pregnancy that left her health in pretty bad shape after the birth. She has recovered and is doing well.

Eva seems to love her new little brother and enjoys him very much. She's still a little rough with him, but in the way of all little brothers, he doesn't seem nearly as bothered by her mauling him as Mom and Grammy.

Grammy got to go visit for a week and I followed a few days later. I think Eva had a pretty nice time with almost unlimited attention from Grammy and Papa. Certainly, by the time I arrived, Grammy was ready to let me have my turn. We kept her pretty busy while Mom took care of Ronan. Right after we left, Eva was scheduled to start kindergarten, so she will continue to have special attention.

Ronan seems to be a pretty laid back kid. He likes to eat a lot (big kids with big appetites) and sleep, about like you'd expect from new baby. Other than that, it's difficult to make predictions. Right now, he mostly likes to just lie around.

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